My Introduction to Cold Water Therapy
Chronic pain, headaches, sleep deprivation, a living nightmare for my friend. His resume of doctors, clinics, and attempted therapeutic practices is more impressive than most pro football players or ultimate fighters.
A decade ago we battled on the lacrosse field where he received two serious concussions (the suspected villain in the story.) Ten years later, guess what his go to remedy for silencing the pain is? Cold plunge. Yep, sitting in cold cold water to practice cold water therapy. After thousands of dollars of treatment, the only thing that provides daily relief is cold water therapy.
Five years ago, he invited me to try it, and believe me, I wasn’t excited. It takes me quite some time to get into a pool thats 75 degrees. Sub 60 degree water? Yikes. The challenge was: 30 days of cold showers or cold plunge. Cold water sucks, you can’t sugar coat that, it’s horrible, but cold water therapy works.
My first time trying cold water therapy
In the dead of winter, I hopped into the cold shower, I shook and started to hyperventilate. As I spun around cursing the gods, I could hear my loins cursing back at me. My brain raced to string together magical combinations of curse words. This sick, sadistic experiment was going horribly wrong. Wiggling around like a worm on wet asphalt in the hot morning sun, I could not escape it. This lasted for about 45 seconds, and then the birds began to chirp, flowers bloomed, and rainbows exploded out of the shower head — equilibrium had been restored.
This dramatic euphoria lasted a few minutes and wasn’t really as wonderful as nature, spring time, or rainbows, but it was a hell of a lot better than the first 45 seconds. Breathing deeply into my stomach, I was able to relax and welcome the cold in. Time slowed down, relaxation set in. When I got out my shoulders were purple, I was shivering, humbled, but proud I didn’t give up.
Note if you want to try a cold shower, or any other form of cold water therapy, and you live somewhere warm, remember, your cold shower isn’t that cold you big baby. Get ice and fill your tub. If you're a rookie, stay in the cold plunge for 3 minutes. Also, if you have cardiac or other serious conditions please talk to a doctor first.
How to Start Practicing Cold Water Therapy
Tip number one: find a good friend to practice cold water therapy with you, and make a wager. Doing something with someone else, and making a significant financial wager to keep you accountable has proven to increase success. So if you really want it, try it this way. Entertain yourself by searching the internet for strange wagers or ways to stay accountable. You’ll find plenty of great stuff.
My Review of Cold Plunge
I’m hooked. After 30 days of cold water therapy, I feel excellent. With absolutely no medical testing to back this up I feel better.
Cold Plunge for Benefits for Inflammation:
I’m an active guy so reducing inflammation in the body increases recovery, I noticed I can go harder and more frequently with less pain during off days.
Cold Water Immersion Benefits for Mood:
I’m not as moody, and I sleep better. Doing the cold submersion really calms the brain down. (It’s hard to think about all your stress at work when your shivering.) Could it be that mood & sleep are related? In the past I’ve had troubles with depression and stable moods, and I’m convinced without a doubt cold therapy works for mood stabilization.
Cold Water Therapy Benefits for Weight:
I wasn’t looking to lose weight but I can tell you my skin tightens up, and it also makes me hungry. Research shows it’s good for weight loss and significantly increases your metabolism, I strongly recommend listening in with Ben Greenfield, from Ben Greenfield Fitness, Tim Ferriss, and the rocket scientist who worked at NASA Ray Cronise. So take a listen right here.
What is actually happening to the body when you cold plunge?
When you get in cold water your brain sends signals telling the body to save itself from freezing to death (in short). In order to do this it pumps all the blood into the vital organs. I imagine it as the flushing of my internal toilet. By staying submerged inflammation is forced out of joints, and sore muscles. After you get out and warm up all the new oxygenated blood returns to muscles and joints.
Try a Cold Plunge at Sauna House!
There are numerous health benefits of cold water therapy for inflammation, mood, and mental health. Curious about how it could boost your health? Book your visit today!